
Saturday 18 April 2020


Hand shake before the Corona Virus pandemic used to be a professional and social show of cordiality. The fact remains that " Change is a Constant" hence the revised edition of my Handshake Etiquette- with these tips:
Instead of shaking hands, please switch to any of these-

  • Put your right hand over your heart and give a slight nod
  • Do the "Namaste" greeting by joining the palm together at chest level and give a brief bow
  • Bump feet like the Chinese do
  • Wave your hand
  • Give an elbow touch though with caution given that people now sneeze and cough into the elbow
  • Communicate politely how you intend to greet and the reason for it
These tips are obviously the few update on my Handshake Etiquette and I hope to keep sharing more tips as the precautionary measures on social distancing evolve. Keep in touch with me and please feel free to share my blog posts.

Your comments and improvements suggestions are welcomed. Cheers!

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