
Tuesday 21 May 2019


Emotional intelligence involves being gracious with words, calm with provocative situations, tolerant with chaotic behaviours, patient in times of social, economic, and psychological pressures and undaunted in the face of rudeness. Below are some guides on how to be emotionally intelligent in dealing with rudeness:

  • Never mind the rudeness rather uphold your self respect
  • Do not revenge or talk back
  • Resist the temptation to correct the ill manner
  • Remember "silence is golden"
  • Model the right conduct by remaining calm and polite in your response if the need arises. 
  • Walk away if you can else regulate your response. 
Live up to the stand posited by Dr. Travis Bradberry in his book "Emotional Intelligence 2.0" that "people with high emotional quotients balance good manners, empathy and kindness with the ability to assert themselves and establish boundaries" Thus, it is crucial to grow our emotional skills in order to become transformative in our personal and professional development.

Many thanks for reading.  Please keep checking back for more details on my blog.

Friday 10 May 2019


Words have power! The choice of words, usage and tonality are very influential in building relationships. The Bible enlightens that " life and death are in the power of the tongue" It also informs that "harsh words stir up anger" Proverbs 15:1. Thus, it's so amazing to speak the right thing, at the right moment and place. To be gracious with words, one must use the following words at all times;

  • Please
  • May I
  • Excuse me
  • I am sorry
  • Thank you
  • After you
  • You're welcomed
  • Hello
  • Good to see you
I can go on and on with many golden words. Please drop your comments and more suggestions on " how gracious are your words?" Thanks for reading!


Business etiquette emphasises the importance of building credibility and high level of integrity in service delivery and other business operations. There are certain qualities that distinguish one from others who are not etiquette aware in their business dealings. Below are few tips!
  • Ensure that your dress code sends a professional message
  • Be a man/woman of integrity
  • Never be overly sensitive to accepting criticism even when negative. 
  • Be intentional in being punctual to work, meetings or any other engagements with colleagues and clients
  • Be reliable, dependable, and timely in services and products deliveries
  • Know  your clients,  be committed to providing and exceeding their expectations and business experience with you
  • Be humble and stand up when you're introduced to clients or strategic partners
  • Keep away the phone and other electronic device that distracts during business meetings and discussions with colleagues or clients
  • Show respect at all times. 
Keeping the above outlined tips will give you an edge over other business competitors,  enhance customers' loyalty and business referrals.

Many thanks for checking in to enjoy my post. Cheers!!!