
Tuesday 9 April 2019


Professional etiquette encompasses proper conduct, written, spoken and non verbal communication(body language) expected from professional such as doctors, teachers, lawyers, club members etc.

Rules of Professional Etiquette

  • Dress appropriately for desired impact and impression
  • Do not wear heavy make up and flashy jewellery to the office
  • Tattoos and body piercing should be covered up
  • Be mindful of personal hygiene and grooming
  • Always arrive on time as it is a sign of professional ethic
  • Use your indoor voice, avoid yelling, take criticism calmly
  • Keep office correspondence brief, reply emails within 24 hours and calls within four hours
  • Be discreet in socialising with colleagues
  • Never take credit for others achievement
Please I need your comment on the question ↴
Thought showers: Is it professional to connect with your boss on Facebook, Instagram or Snap chat?

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