
Tuesday 9 April 2019


Netiquette is the practice of proper and acceptable behaviour online such as communication through emails, blogs and social networking media.

Importance of Internet Etiquette

  • Reduces the misconception of messages, intentions and conduct
  • Encourages the use of correct spellings,  grammar, punctuations and choice of words
  • Helps to project professionalism in business and career related online communication
Rules of Internet Etiquette

  • Do not post copyrighted materials without permission or proper reference
  • Avoid the use of slang due to cultural differences
  • Do not visit unwholesome sites that project cybercrime, war, sex, pornography
  • Do not send junk mails or spams
  • Reply and acknowledge emails within 24 hours
  • Avoid hate speeches and abuses
  • Do not engage in phishing or hacking of sites and emails.


Body Posture Awareness/Deportment

Body posture awareness/deportment focuses on the way a person stands, sit, walk and present oneself especially in terms of etiquette. Trisha Mary Telford posited that "deportment is the pride you take in yourself,  the way you present yourself as a person, your character,  attitude,  your confidence,  self belief, language,  your personal grooming and clothing choice"

Body Posture:Correct Sitting Posture

  • Sit down gracefully and avoid slouching
  • Ladies sit with the legs closed and leaned at an angle to one side
  • Ladies should not sit squarely on both feet as it is too manly
  • Get up gracefully and avoid rising up suddenly from the seat

Correct Standing Posture

  • Ensure that the back(spine) is straight and aligns with the head while the chin is not too high or low
  •  The feet must be apart
  • The stomach must be tucked in 
  •  The shoulder should be held back and down
  •  Arms should be kept to the side
Correct Walking Posture

  • Gait should be graceful and unique
  • Do not be too fast, hurried, directionless, sluggish but rather maintain a sensible graceful stride
  • The upper torso should remain as strong as possible and shouldn't sway back and forth
  • The back should not be  over arched; the heads while relaxed should be slightly lifted
  • Do not waddle as that suggest boring and obese personality
  • Nevertheless, do not walk like a fashion model on the runway



Professional etiquette encompasses proper conduct, written, spoken and non verbal communication(body language) expected from professional such as doctors, teachers, lawyers, club members etc.

Rules of Professional Etiquette

  • Dress appropriately for desired impact and impression
  • Do not wear heavy make up and flashy jewellery to the office
  • Tattoos and body piercing should be covered up
  • Be mindful of personal hygiene and grooming
  • Always arrive on time as it is a sign of professional ethic
  • Use your indoor voice, avoid yelling, take criticism calmly
  • Keep office correspondence brief, reply emails within 24 hours and calls within four hours
  • Be discreet in socialising with colleagues
  • Never take credit for others achievement
Please I need your comment on the question ↴
Thought showers: Is it professional to connect with your boss on Facebook, Instagram or Snap chat?


Hello my cherished readers/viewers,  hope you're all doing fine. I will be sharing some expected elevator manners. Enjoy!

Elevator  Etiquette

  • Always stand away from the door while waiting to board
  • Be helpful by pressing or pushing the ground button for someone who is not within its reach
  • Break the silence by saying 'hello or hi"
  • Hold the door if you notice someone coming in a hurry
  • Respect people's space
  • Do not smoke in the elevator