
Thursday, 28 May 2020


 Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in her book "We Should all be Feminist" asserted " I have chosen to no longer be apologetic for my femininity. And I want to be respected in all my femaleness". Menstrual Hygiene Day(MHD) was an initiative of WASH UNITED with a focus on Menstrual Hygiene Education, creation of awareness to break the silence, social stigma and taboo on periods among others not listed.

 The choice of the day was informed by the duration of menstrual cycle which is  average of 28 days while the flow is about 5 days- 28thMay

"To be respected in ones femaleness" and avoid the embarrassing red stain on a dress, adopt these hygiene tips:
  1. Choose sanitary pad according to type of flow and time of the day(heavy flow,  day time , light flow- night time brand)
  2. Thicker brand should be used for heavier flow for extra absorbency
  3. Change pad 3-4 times in a day for maxi hygiene
  4. Take a bath twice or thrice if possible
  5. Spritz a floral or fruity body fragrance
  6. Place pad on a comfy tight fitted pants to prevent it from falling out or moving out of the centre of the pubic area
  7.  Wear dark coloured dresses during flow e.g black, dark tan and navy blue to hide any unexpected leak
  8. Never flush down the toilet but wrap in an ecofriendly bag or paper and throw in a bin
This year's theme of MHD2020 "PERIODS IN PANDEMIC" is apt and reflexive as many women and adolescent girls will face challenges in accessing feminine hygiene products and services due to LOCKDOWN and LOW CASH FLOW. Cheer up MOTHERS, LADIES AND GIRLS, keep being confident in your femininity.#PeriodsInPandemics. #ItsTimeForAction.

Thursday, 21 May 2020


If only mankind could see the future, they could have prepared the way Joseph the Dreamer and Interpreter of dreams did as seen in his advise to Pharaoh in Genesis 41:1-25,36. Daniel also said he understood by book(the prophecies of Jeremiah ) which he read concerning the capitivity of the Israelites in Babylon for seventy years.

God never leave, fail nor forsake his children who trust in him wholeheartedly 1Kings 8:57, Deuteronomy 31:6. It behoves us to seek the face of God, right our wrongs with him especially in forsaking abominable polices and practices like legalising abortion, homosexuality among others. The winning buzz word is digital transformational operations, any organisations and individuals that will not innovate and reinvent itself in line with the trends will be depreciated, disrupted and possibly go into extinction.

The steps to navigate through the post covid economy include:

  • Adapt to new set of rules and operational designs that mitigate risks of infection and reinfection such as work from home, online learning, home entertainment, virtual event hosting, online transaction etc
  • Delay hiring new staff, marketing non essentials goods and unnecessary travels
  • Take advantage of Internet of things in robotics and artificial intelligence to right size  workforce
  • Focus on essentials for survival rather than acquiring luxury goods
  • Assess your expenses, budget and cut down excesses and scale up gadgets like digital technology  and facilities
  • Redesign business models to align with COVID19 precautionary measures for example process design and layout underpinned by standard physical distance
  • Stakeholders  should maintain healthy relationship with vendors/suppliers, employees and agents
  • Manage employees' reduction with severance friendly packages
  • Reevaluate revenue generation goals, sales return, credit cycle, debt recovery (all financial metrics)
  • Renegotiate with vendors and partners on fixed and variable expenses like rent, electricity, water, gas(fuel), equipment lease, salaries etc
  • Redesigning strategically short term and long term policy plan
  •  Invest in agro-allied such as fish farming, poultry, orchard, plantations and others not mentioned
The steps will definitely continue to evolve as informed by the effects of the pandemic changes. Keep in touch for more update and please suggest further possible steps via comment thereby contributing to alleviating the impact of COVID-19 distress.

Sunday, 10 May 2020


The essence of perfume etiquette is to know these tips:
  • Update fragrance collections to match time of the day, seasons and occasions
  • Think of others so as not to overpower them with your spray
  • For a long lasting effect, combine perfume with body oil, moisturiser, lotion, or petroleum jelly and dab on skin
  • Apply perfume on pulse points; wrist,behind ear,behind knees also neck,ankle and hair
  • To get the most of your fragrance spray it into the air and walk through it
  • Never rub perfume into your skin since it alters its original scent
  • A dab of light perfume is cool at work places so as not to distract colleagues
  • Go for floral, soft and breezy sprays at daytime and summer
  • Heavy and exotic fragrances are okay for night time and  evening hangouts
  • Never reapply perfume when you no longer smell it- your nose just got used to it but others still smell it
   More tips will be coming soon - keep in touch. Cheers!

Friday, 8 May 2020


   Toilet etiquette is an impressive hygienic niche expected from every ladies and gents. Knowing what to do in public and private cloakrooms saves one from embarrassment, reduce spread of germs and infections. These tops tips are a must for everyone.

  1. Never leave it smelly and messed up with tissue papers and stains
  2. Lock the door when in  use and leave open to indicate "not occupied" after use
  3. Keep the toilet seat lid covered/ down.
  4. Do not wet or soil the seat.
  5. Keep potty sound to a quiet level.
  6. Use air freshners
  7. Clean up your mess after use.
  8. Do not soil toilet rolls with wet hands.
  9. Avoid taking reading materials into the toilet.
  10. Do not take phone calls or have conversation while in the toilet
  11. Be snappy to avoid keeping others waiting for longer than convenient
  12. Feminine hygiene products, wipes and diapers should be wrapped up and disposed not flushed down the toilet

Thursday, 7 May 2020


Every lady wants to look good and smell nice. To make an unforgettable impression as a lady, these top tips area must practice
  • Use a fruity body wash
  • Keep body odour off with a thorough bath with special attention to the armpit and private areas
  • Use a deodorant with fruity fragrances preferably citrus or berries
  • Stop bad breath with regular brushing and flossing after mealtimes and snacking
  • A weekly hair wash with potpourri of fruit shampoo keeps hair odour at bay
  • Pamper the skin with moisturising milk bath, exfoliate and tone with the right skincare products
  • Drink water and eat more of veggies and fruit to improve skin complexion
  • Change your lingerie (underwear) after six to nine months of use
  • Avoid dark coloured lingerie and wear more of cotton 
keeping these hygienic tips gives every lady an aura of confidence. Stay in touch for more tips and remember your comments and suggestions are always valued. Thank you for reading.