
Friday 22 February 2019


Hello Cherished Readers, nice to share the rules of gentleman's etiquette. Enjoy!


  • Say please, I'm sorry, excuse me, after you, and thank you as situations evolve
  • Don't be dependent on a lady for life luxury
  • Be respectful and humble
  • Don't take advantage of any lady's naivety
  • Be genuine
  • Do not reveal conquest, private engagement with a lady or private deals to the Public
  • Have a decent sense of humour
  • Pay attention to personal hygiene
  • Be kind, offer your seat to the elderly, hold the door and say after you!
  • Be posture aware; stand straight, walk tall!
  • Always keep to time
  • Make eye contact and offer a firm handshake but never extend your hands to a lady first for a handshake.
  • Mind your language, speak right
Keep checking back for more update. Thank you.

Thursday 21 February 2019


Hello! my cherished blog readers, it's nice to know you check on my blog. This time I will share some insights on " Lady's Etiquettes" Enjoy your reading...

Lady's Etiquettes 
A lady in the context of this write up is any female who is confident of her self worth, class, image, reputation and dispositions etc. Kristen Dalton Wolfe said "Acting like a lady is carrying yourself with dignity, which also empowers a man to be a gentleman". Thus a dignified lady must do the under listed:

  • Stay classy
  • Treat herself with dignity
  • Dress decently and elegantly appropriate for all occasion
  • Keep her head, shoulder, heels and standard high
  • Wear confidence always as her indispensable accessory
  • Always arrive on time at events
  • Never attend events if not invited
  • Speak impeccable grammar
  • Does not engage in gossips and idle talk
  • Chew gracefully with her mouth close
  • Never allow her mood affect her manners
  • Always mindful of the tone and volume of her voice because " Ladies are seen not heard"
  • Do not retouch her makeup in public
  • Never a busy body
  • Maintains her integrity
Well, there are many more tips but I have to pause at the moment. Meanwhile, keep checking on my blog for more engaging etiquette matters. Cheers!

Friday 15 February 2019


The Bible and Etiquette

It is very important to be mindful of the fact that some etiquette rules in different categories may not be globally accepted. There are bound to be diversities in faith or religion, organisational culture, family values, and country/regional orientation.

Some disparities in dining Etiquette which are contradictory to some religion include:

  • All guest should stand when a lady/the hostess enters the room
  • All men must stand whenever a lady enters or leaves the room (and may I ask even when they have started enjoying their meals?)
  • The ladies sit first before the men sit.

The Bible only recommends standing up before the hoary head in Leviticus 19:32 and not for the host/hostess, ladies or women. 
Even Mordecai in Esther 5:9 did not stand up or move in recognition of the status or authority of Haman.

Controversy on Handshake
One of the rules of Handshake in introduction is that "Royalty should never be offered a hand to shake, they should either be bowed or curtsied to". This is true for the British Royalty.

However, this may not be acceptable globally example to the Jews since they do not bow to any man. Recall the story of Mordecai and Haman in Esther 3:5 which reported that "Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence"

I do hope you enjoy the post meanwhile I look forward to your views and comments. 

Hope to share more engaging insights on "The Bible and Etiquette". Please keep on checking on my blog. Thank you for your time. Cheers!